Interpretive Activities

Discover the wonders of Quebec's flora and fauna through activities that are both fun and educational for people of all ages, designed and led by our nature educators with degrees in natural sciences!
Discover the wonders of Quebec's flora and fauna!
49 interpretive activities
in Montreal nature parks in 2023.

What Are Interpretive Activities?

If you often visit the parks in Montreal, Charlevoix or the Eastern Townships, you've probably already seen one of our kiosks during one of your walks! You may have seen one of our educators and his or her array of natural objects nicely arranged on a table for you to observe.

This is a good example of an interpretive activity: an activity specially designed and led by our nature educators to allow you to discover the nature that you may not have the chance to see every day, but which exists and is hidden all around you!

Our nature educators will answer all your questions so that you can better understand the flora and fauna. We hope that this knowledge allows you to see nature from a different perspective and to experience it in a different way during your next outing!

Depending on the season and the region, take part in numerous interpretive activities in Montreal, Charlevoix and the Eastern Townships, including kiosks and informal talks in various parks and natural sites, conferences, educational workshops for children, games, as well as activities to observe wildlife, including the whales of Charlevoix.

Experience nature differently during our educational family activities.

Informal talks in different parks and natural sites where we answer your questions.

Meet our stars!

Our discovery kiosks are full of natural artifacts!

GUEPE : your nature interpreter!

GUEPE offers interpretive activities on natural and historical heritage, such as thematic kiosks and nature scavenger hunts in many parks in your region, as well as in those near you, all year long!

Join us in the Montréal metropolitan area, in Charlevoix and in the Eastern Townships to discover the biodiversity and the little-known species of the regions’ great green spaces.

Our Interpretive Activities of the Season

Conte de Taptap le pic maculé et la sève sucrée des érables

Célébrons le retour du printemps avec un conte fantastique sur la nature!

Introduction à la survie

Découvrez les rudiments de la survie en forêt à travers des jeux et mises en situation étonnantes!

Exposition L'estuaire moyen, du fleuve à l'océan

Plongez dans notre nouvelle exposition pour découvrir la signification culturelle, historique et biologique de l'estuaire moyen du Saint-Laurent!

À marée basse

Bivalves, crustacés, vers marins? Qu’est-ce qui se cache sur l’estran? Démystifiez le phénomène des marées et les organismes vivant sur la plage.


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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and content.


The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and content.


The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and content.

Who better than our experts to showcase the unique environment of the St. Lawrence estuary?

Interpretives Activities at the Pavillon du Saint-Laurent

GUEPE nature educators are here to guide you through Montreal's nature parks and their biodiversity!

Activities in Montreal Nature Parks

Several themes will be presented throughout the season in Montreal nature parks!

Kiosks in Montreal Nature Parks


The Regions Where We Are Present

Throughout the seasons, GUEPE offers a variety of activities in three regions of Quebec. To discover them, click on the thumbnails or visit our calendar.

Ils ont aimé et ils le disent

Participant.e à La  nature  en tournée

« C'était l'activité la nature en tournée. Employés très sympathiques, patients et connaisseurs des insectes et des oiseaux en général. »

Participant.e à GUEPE dans Rosemont

« Animateurs  incroyables,  dynamiques, connaisseurs,  passionnés. »

Participant.e à GUEPE dans Rosemont
été 2021

« Très chouette et bien expliqué.
Adapté même à des jeunes enfants. »

Participant.e aux kiosques

« Présentateur.rice.s motivé.e.s, intéressant.e.s, langage bien adapté aux enfants. »

Participant.e aux kiosques

« Très bonnes explications des 2 naturalistes. Très patients avec les enfants qui essaient de toucher à tout. »

Participant(e) aux activités dans les parcs-nature de Montréal

«Très intéressant! »

Vous avez participé à une de nos activités d'interprétation? Répondez à notre sondage car nous voulons connaître votre opinion.

Téléchargez nos brochures

Guide pour les parents du Bois

Vous avez inscrit votre enfant au camp du parc-nature du Bois-de-Liesse?

Téléchargez notre guide pour les parents.

Guide pour les parents de la Pointe-aux-Prairies

Vous avez inscrit votre enfant au camp du parc-nature de la Pointe-aux-Prairies?

Téléchargez notre guide pour les parents.

More Than Interpretive Activities!

Feel like going out in the field with our nature educators to learn more? Explore our guided outdoor activities! Depending on the season, you can take part in guided hikes or snowshoe outings with our nature educators, as well as guided kayak excursions to learn more about biodiversity and the surrounding ecosystems.

These educational tools are only available in French at the moment.
Thank you for your understanding.
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