
In-Class Activities that Integrate Easily with Your Teaching Plan
Are you looking for an educational and stimulating in-class activity that will allow your students to develop scientific knowledge and consolidate competencies specified by the Ministry of Education? Look no further: at GUEPE, we have designed and facilitated our own in-class activities to be in line with the Quebec Education Program for over 30 years. With our expertise in natural sciences and in group facilitation, our passion and our creativity, we create original material with diverse themes, for all levels – whether it is about climate change or how to differentiate reptiles and amphibians!
- For daycares, we have dynamic and interactive educational activities based on play and discovery for children 3 to 5 years old.
- In preschool and Cycle One, we offer educational games, interactive group activities, and short scientific presentations with live animals. Our collections will delight your students.
- In Cycle Two, manipulate and experiment with your senses to access a world of learning right in your classroom!
- In Cycle Three, further the learning process and introduce new and diversified knowledge to your students about the living world, biodiversity or climate change!
- In high school, discover all the mysteries surrounding the living world! The program includes interactive group presentations, short practical activities and live animals. Our collection of artifacts will surprise your students!
Examples of In-class activities
Rocks and Minerals
Trapping : Its Ecological Role
The Life of a Tree

Carbone Scol’ERE Program Activities
A fun and positive investigation on climate change and greenhouse gases in 5 two-hour activities conducted in class or by videoconference (in the remote formula, the teacher conducts 90 minutes of workshop independently, followed by a 30-minute facilitated videoconference). Through the educational project, students will be able to voluntarily conduct surveys at home, with their families, to discover their eco-responsible habits and the ones they could build. The students will be able to quantify their avoided GHG emissions and join a collective effort with all participating classes.
GUEPE participates as an accredited training organization (ATO) and facilitates these educational activities in the Montreal metropolitan area, as well as in Charlevoix and the Eastern Townships. Consult the interactive map on the Carbone Scol'ERE project website (in French) to make sure your school is in our area. If it is not, the name of the responsible ATO will be indicated.
Vous voulez en savoir plus sur le déroulement des activités? Consultez notre feuillet avec tous les détails.
You would rather go on an outdoor field trip to a nature park or a park close to your school? Explore our selection of field trips!