Eastern Townships

4986 people
reached in the Eastern Townships in 2023.
602 campeurs

The Eastern Townships: a must for food lovers and nature enthusiasts!

Welcome to the Eastern Townships, where agriculture and forests coexist! What are you waiting for? Discover this region alongside our team of nature educators, who have degrees in science and a love of nature!

With the help of activities specially designed to highlight the region's typical natural and agricultural environments, you will have fun learning more about both what you eat and the biodiversity of the territory!

Learn more about both what you eat and the biodiversity of the territory!

What are you waiting for? Explore the Eastern Townships with us!

Our team of nature educators, who have degrees in science and a love of nature, will accompany you in your discovery.

Our activities are specially designed to highlight the region's typical natural and agricultural environments.

Types of Activities in the Eastern Townships

Whether you are an educator, a professional or an individual, GUEPE offers a multitude of activities and services in the Eastern Townships to meet your needs:
  • Kiosks, activities and scavenger hunts;
  • Guided hikes and outdoor activities;
  • In-class activities and educational field trips;
  • Educational kits and interpretation panels;
  • And much more!

School Activities


Professional Services


Activities for All


Activities for Camps


Discover Our Current Activities!


Apprenez qu'est-ce qu'un écosystème et découvrez la grande variabilité de ces milieux tout aussi inusités les uns que les autres.

Le monde des oiseaux

Les oiseaux sont étonnants. Découvrez ceux qui se cachent près de votre camp ou de votre maison, apprenez à les écouter pour mieux les identifier!

Mammifères en action

Apprenez à reconnaître les mammifères et leurs habitudes à travers des activités amusantes!

La nature et ses secrets

Randonnée, défis, jeux et captures : saurez-vous découvrir les mystères de la forêt? (version Halloween possible)

Le piégeage : son rôle écologique

Découvrez l'évolution de la trappe au Québec et apprenez à identifier des empreintes.

Les animaux en hiver

Découvrez les stratégies des différents animaux pour faire face au froid.


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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and content.


The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and content.


The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and content.

Accompanied by a nature guide, students are immersed in the ecosystem of an ancient forest.


With our nature educators, students will immerse themselves in a thematic half-day!

Biodiversity in a Park Near Your School

Explore the world of trapping, from its beginnings to the present day!

Trapping : Its Ecological Role

Explore the nature park on a guided walk with a nature educator!

Maple Season Guided Walks


Did you know? We are also in Montréal and Charlevoix to help you discover those magnificent regions too! 


These educational tools are only available in French at the moment.
Thank you for your understanding.
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