Adventure Challenge
Experience a adventure in nature! Take on the challenges, explore the forest and discover the hidden treasure.
Play an educational game on how to use a compass and cardinal points;
Take an introduction to archery;
Build a shelter with a team;
Meet and touch a live animal*;
Observe natural artifacts with a discovery table;
Take a walk in the forest and observe nature;
Learn about introductory survival techniques.
*The choice of the live animal is at the discretion of the nature educator. In the event of a discomfort or phobia towards a particular animal, please specify when booking.
Clues gathered during the activities will help you find the treasure chest. Students leave with a gift that is as admirable as it is practical!
Minimum of 20 kids.
Words appearing on some of the material may be in French.
Please contact us.
Preschool and Cycle One Kids
Cycle Two Kids
Cycle Three Kids